Quarters 2014-17
Eveline Kotai Exhibition
Four times a year, Ehdo turned its Watkins Street office into an exhibition space for local artists. This was an opportunity for someone to show their art in a working, everyday environment without the costs and commissions of a normal gallery space. The reward for Ehdo was twofold; The office got a new vibe every 3 months, and we were gifted an artwork at the end.
Artists who have exhibited include the late Ruth Vickers, Elly Joel, Ben Crapsley, Eveline Kotai, Andre Lipscombe, Annabel Dixon & Sean Wain.
2 Way Drip- Eveline Kotai 2014
Discard 7 - Sean Wain 2014
Gravity (Detail) - Andre Lipscombe 2015
Last Chance Hippie! - Annabel Dixon 2016
Red Tailed Black Cockatoos - Ruth Vickers 2013