Station Rd Brewery, Margaret River
Margaret River Brewhouse - Brewery Production Facility

Compact Houses, Hamilton Hill
Compact Houses, Hamilton Hill - small and efficient for DevelopmentWA

Derby Road House, Shenton Park
Derby Road House - The garden is as important as the house

Curedale St Addition, Beaconsfield
Derby Road House - The garden is as important as the house

Bethanie Aged Care Village, Warwick (competition)
Derby Road House - The garden is as important as the house

Dogs’ Refuge Home of WA, Shenton Park
Derby Road House - The garden is as important as the house
What? Park, White Gum Valley
What? Park - A Pocket Park in Memory of Kai

Mofflin Avenue House, Darlington
Derby Road House - The garden is as important as the house

Watkins Street Studio, White Gum Valley
Watkins Street Studio - A Conversion Project with Many Lives

Railway Road Studios, Subiaco
What? Park - A Pocket Park in Memory of Kai

Ehdo’s legacy
Ehdo’s Legacy - Our Projects and Our People